- Dude, wtf? And this is from the studio that made its name last generation by being at the tech forefront? 老兄,这搞啥?这是来自那个在上个世代被称为技术前沿工作室的作品吗?
- The Daily WTF - Don't Worry, We'll Fix It! 别着急,我们来搞定!
- Zac Efron: Dude, you are such a poet. 伙计,你还真能写诗。
- Jason wants to play guitar like a bad dude. 贾森希望能非常娴熟地演奏吉他。
- WTF does the woman want us to know? 居然会有这种无聊事?我54好了...
- Oh, that time that dude same as me, got no job. 对了,当时我的哥们,和我一样,也没有工作!
- Hey, dude, seriously, I told you... 嘿; 伙计; 说真的; 我和你说过...
- I know, it is "wealthy dude"or "boss"! 我知道,是“大款”“老板”!
- Troy: To them, I'm the playmaker dude. 对他们来说,我只是那个场上主力罢了。
- Dude, I have the same shirt as you. 老兄,我有件跟你一样的衬衫喔。
- Dude, he forgot his name. l feel bad for him. 伙计,他不记得自己的名字,真可怜。
- Dude, you're missing the best part. 伙计, 你错过了最好的部分
- Every time I hear( Hey dude I love your band! 每次我听到(伙计我爱你的乐队!
- The dude beside my sister is her working partner. 赵薇在中间。我姐姐在一旁。在我姐姐旁边的是她的工作伙伴。
- Dude! She's totally hooked on you! 老兄,她完全迷恋上你了!
- Dude! You're not taking your Bible? 伙计!你不打算带上你的圣经吗?
- And that’s provided it’s still under warranty. (WTF? 也不知道我为何会如此着迷。
- Dude, I can't even explain it to myself. 老兄,我自己都不知道是怎么回事。
- But I tested on a target dummy and got different answers! WTF!? 但是我从假人上面得到了不同的答案,咋回事?
- Dude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life! 老兄,别用你疯狂的单身生活刺激我。